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Unlocking the Mysteries: How to Figure Out Your 3 Zodiac Signs

Understanding your three primary zodiac signs—the Sun, Moon, and Rising (or Ascendant) signs—can offer profound insights into your personality, emotions, and life path. These three signs collectively are known as your «big three» in astrology. This article will guide you on how to figure out your 3 zodiac signs and explain their significance.

How to Find Out Your 3 Zodiac Signs

To find out your 3 zodiac signs, you’ll need to know your exact birth date, time, and place. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Calculate Your Sun Sign: Your Sun sign is determined by your birth date. This sign represents your core personality and ego.
  2. Determine Your Moon Sign: The Moon sign is based on the position of the moon at your time of birth. It reflects your emotional nature and inner self.
  3. Ascertain Your Rising Sign: The Rising sign, or Ascendant, is determined by your birth time and location. It represents your outward personality and first impressions.

Tools to Help Figure Out Your Zodiac Signs

There are several online tools and astrology charts that can help you figure out your 3 zodiac signs accurately. These tools require precise information about your birth time and place.

Why Knowing Your Big Three Zodiac Signs Is Important

Understanding your big three zodiac signs helps you gain a holistic view of your personality:

  • Sun Sign: Defines your core self and how you express your individuality.
  • Moon Sign: Influences your emotional responses and inner mood.
  • Rising Sign: Affects how others perceive you and how you present yourself to the world.

To deepen your understanding of zodiac signs and find affordable tarot services, explore affordable tarot readings.


Figuring out your 3 zodiac signs—Sun, Moon, and Rising—provides valuable insights into various facets of your life and personality. By utilizing the resources mentioned and calculating your birth details accurately, you can unlock the profound wisdom that astrology offers. For continuous updates on zodiac signs and other astrological news, visit Diario de Córdoba for news and current events.

Understanding these signs not only enhances self-awareness but also improves your interactions and relationships with others, providing a roadmap for personal growth and self-discovery.

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